Good news for gamers today! Nvidia and AMD recently released new updates for its graphics processing units (GPUs) to better handle current-gen game demands.

The updates come after EA DICE's latest game release, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, to address most of its graphical requirements along with other games available on the market as well.

The Nvidia Geforce Game Ready 368.39 WHQL driver delivers a "new detail-boosting Hyper Settings" configuration that should reportedly improve shadows and increase draw distances for the game, among many others.

For optimal gameplay, Nvidia recommends its Geforce GTX 1080, which is also covered by the update. These settings, combined with the power of the new GPU hardware, should allow gamers to enjoy Mirror's Edge Catalyst at a constant framerate of 60 FPS with a resolution of 2,560 x 1,440.

The company adds that a fix for issues encountered on Windows 8.1 systems wherein a crash occurs when SLI is enabled is still under way. The Nvidia update is also optimized for Edge of Nowhere, an upcoming title from Insomniac Games, built for the Oculus Rift.

On the other hand, the AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.1 update includes support for Mirror's Edge Catalyst and the latest game from Epic Games, Paragon, as well as a new AMD Crossfire profile for Bandai Namco's Dark Souls 3.

Some of the issues fixed in the update are as follows:

• Disruptions experienced when watching videos on a web browser
• Lower performance on some tracks during rainy or dark scenes in DiRT Rally
• The missing HDMI scaling options in Radeon settings if set in an interlaced resolution
• Settings applied on the AMD Crossfire mode options not taking effect in Uplay and Origin software
• Flickering textures in Fallout 4 when in AMD Crossfire technology mode
• Flickering encountered on the Oculus Rift when multiple monitors with different resolutions are connected
• Failure to open the Radeon additional settings window when installing the latest Radeon Software Crimson Edition after a Windows Update

AMD also advices that its products installed on Apple Boot Camp platforms are not compatible with its latest driver update, and users should instead contact their system manufacturers for the appropriate updates.

A detailed listing of all the bugs and fixes addressed by the Nvidia and AMD updates can be accessed for further reading.

The game drivers can also be downloaded through the Nvidia and AMD driver update pages. Make sure to select the appropriate drive for your GPU version to avoid any critical issues.

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