The lack of matchmaking support for Destiny's first raid, the Vault of Glass, has left many players unable to scrounge up the required five additional partners needed to take on the game's hardest challenge and earn its best gear.

That could still change, though. In developer Bungie's weekly update, community manager David "Deej" Dague says player voices are being heard, even if the topic is currently a tricky subject to discuss.

"We're having conversations about how Matchmaking might support the more challenging activities in Destiny," Deej says in the update. "It's a start. Keep sounding off about it, and maybe someday some matchmade Fireteam mates will hear you, too."

Vault of Glass currently doesn't support matchmaking due to the length of time required to complete the raid as well as its high difficulty. Bungie designed the raids, bosses and challenges to require real coordination and teamwork, something Bungie believed most teams of six strangers thrown together would be unable to accomplish. But they've been surprised.

"The Raid was designed for solid teams of killers who have made a commitment to solve a dense and explosive riddle," Deej says. "Most of the raiding parties who have emerged victorious from the Vault of Glass have sworn that one weak link would have doomed their chain. There have been other stories, of course. We've heard tell of Guardians who met each other just outside the door that leads into that vault. Strange tales have reached our ears - tales of total strangers who have banded together to see the Raid all the way through to a triumphant finale."

Bungie is no stranger to the wonders of matchmaking. The developer helped pioneer it for Halo 2 on the original Xbox and is a feature nearly every multiplayer shooter released on consoles now includes.

"Yet, we understand its limitations. In the recipe of a Bungie game, Matchmaking has always contributed the ingredient of a team built to play one match of competitive multiplayer," Deej says.

Bungie already addressed many players concerns surrounding engrams and loot in the game's latest patch, so it is good to see the developer is at least listening to player concerns. Whether or not matchmaking support will be coming anytime soon is unknown, but lack of matchmaking isn't stopping some players from conquering the Vault of Glass in record time. If you want to take on the Vault of Glass for yourself, be sure to read our Destiny "How To" guide.

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