Late last year, Lil Jon helped us get crunk with his hit collaboration with DJ Snake "Turn Down for What." Now Lil Jon has repurposed the song for a very different aim. But don't worry, parties are still involved.

"Turn Down for What" becomes "Turn Out for What" in the latest video for the Rock the Vote campaign released Oct. 7, which encourages young people to register and vote in the midterm elections on Nov. 4. Seeing Lil Jon parody himself would have been enough to satisfy anyone, but the rapper is also joined by a whole slew of celebs that shake their groove thangs all in the name of civic engagement.

Not only do we get to see Lena Dunham dance in a romper, E.J. Johnson and Ireland Baldwin work the dancefloor like a runway and try to figure out why Fred Armisen moves the way he does, we also learn about the issues these celebrities care about most. And they basically back the issues you think they would. Dunham "turns out" for reproductive rights, Orange is the New Black's Natasha Lyonne cares about prison reform and Lil Jon supports the legalization of marijuana, in case you couldn't tell from the giant joint he carries in the video.

What's the most shocking thing you'll see in this politically-charged spot? Lil Jon is not only a fan of Girls, but he also can't wait to find out whether or not Ray and Shoshana will be getting back together in the upcoming fourth season of the show. I totally would have pegged him for more of a Ray and Marnie guy, personally.

This new video is part of the Rock the Vote campaign, which has encouraged youth voter participation since 1990. You've probably seen Madonna's famous Rock the Vote video where she poses with an American flag draped over her scantily-clad body, as only Madonna could get away with.

Unfortunately, there will probably not actually be celebs at your polling place on Nov. 4, but that doesn't make what you "turn out" for any less important.

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