Samsung was surrounded with a lot of debate after some of its newly launched Galaxy Note 7 phablet exploded due to faulty battery. Samsung has already announced a global recall of the Galaxy Note 7, but it seems that the Samsung phablet is not the only one that can potentially explode.

GizmoChina reports that an iPhone 7 Plus exploded in China's Yunnan province, when it hit the ground accidentally. The impact made the battery of the Apple smartphone to catch fire.

The publication reports that the iPhone 7 Plus started vibrating severely and emitting smoke. The display was entirely detached from the body and shattered. The photos posted on GizmoChina, sourced via, highlights the extent of damage to the iPhone 7 Plus, now beyond repair. The owner of the iPhone 7 Plus in question says that the device was just one month old.

It is worth noting that the latest incident with the iPhone 7 Plus is not similar to Galaxy Note 7 catching fire. The iPhone 7 Plus may have had a hard fall and the shock resulted in the battery to explode. On the other hand, most of the Galaxy Note 7 fire cases were reported when the phone was put on charge.

This is not the first instance when reports of iPhone 7 catching fire have been reported by users. A user posted on Reddit that an iPhone 7 ordered by a co-worker caught fire even before the device could reach the owner. The redditor thinks that something must have gone wrong with the phone while it was getting delivered.

"I'm not certain, but something happened between the factory and delivery," commented the redditor.

Another case of iPhone 7 catching fire was reported in Australia. According to a previous Tech Times report, a surfer wrapped the iPhone 7 in his pants and left it in his car. After coming back from surfing, he found smoke emitting from his car.

The surfer unlocked the car and the fire seemed to have started where the iPhone 7 was kept. He unwrapped his pants and found that the iPhone was melting. The surfer says that he purchased the new iPhone 7 about a week before the incident and he claims that he never dropped his phone or charged his device with a third-party charger.

A large number of Samsung Galaxy Note 7's were reported to have exploded due to faulty battery but only a handful of iPhone 7's have been reported to have exploded or caught fire.

Customers will want that Apple is taking all iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus fire cases seriously and hopefully take adequate measures to ensure that such incidents do not happen in the future.

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