In the latest patch for Overwatch that is being tested in the game's Public Test Region, the development team has rolled out the Server Browser, which will allow players to create custom games, and has made the Capture the Flag mode a permanent one.

The patch also included changes that hints at the pending arrival of Doomfist as a new character, along with updates to several current heroes such as the promised buffs for Bastion.

Bastion Buffs Overpowered?

However, according to a thread started by redditor Squidblimp in the official Overwatch sub-Reddit, the buffs that have been applied to Bastion may be too much.

Overwatch principal designer Geoff Goodman previously revealed that Bastion will be receiving a lowered spread and increased magazine size for Recon Mode, while transforming Sentry Mode into a "tank-buster and barrier-buster" mode with decreased damage, increased spread and removal of headshots.

The biggest change coming to Bastion was said to be on his Self-Repair skill, which players can now use even while moving. In addition, it will utilize a resource system similar to the Defense Matrix skill of D.Va, and combined with the new passive Ironclad skill that reduced damage received by Bastion by 35 percent, will drastically increase the robot hero's survivability.

According to Squidblimp though, the Overwatch development team may have gone overboard in boosting Bastion's survivability. In addition, with the hero having the highest DPS, or damage per second, outside of ultimate skills, Bastion may have gone from underpowered to grossly overpowered.

While Bastion is using his Self-Repair skill in Sentry Mode, the long list of things that Bastion can survive through includes Reaper's entire ultimate, Reaper's entire eight-bullet clip, Pharah's entire rocket clip, Symettra's laser or six of her turrets, Soldier: 76's entire 25-bullet clip plus his Helix Rockets, Tracer's ultimate, McCree's ultimate, and many more. It should also be noted that Bastion does not merely survive through the damage, but usually has more than 200 HP remaining to be able to fire back and kill opponents after they use up their ammo and skills.

The list of things that can kill Bastion in this set-up, meanwhile, is a short one, including Pharah's ultimate, Soldier: 76's entire ultimate with two full 25-bullet clips and his Helix Rockets, D.Va's ultimate, and Tracer's ultimate plus her entire clip.

Bastion Unstoppable In The Right Team

The findings posted by Squidblimp, however, consider Bastion on his own. In the right team, Bastion could actually become even more of an unstoppable force that can plow through opponents.

When teamed up with Ana, who can use her Nano Boost ultimate to stack an additional 50 percent damage reduction on top of Bastion's Ironclad passive, Bastion will only be receiving 15 percent of the damage that opponents deal to him.

YouTuber BlameTheController posted a video that tested the pairing in the Overwatch PTR, and it showed Bastion just brushing off damage while picking out opponents. Bastion was even able to survive the usually lethal ultimate of D.Va.

When Overwatch was launched in May of last year, Bastion was considered to be too strong, which led to the development team nerfing his abilities. The nerfs may have gone too far as Bastion was not used much afterwards, but with the buffs being tested in the PTR, it seems overpowered Bastion is back.

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