YouTube star Freddie Wong is known for making some of the best action shorts on the web, recently gaining fame for his work on the YouTube webseries Video Game High School. Jimmy Kimmel is, well, Jimmy Kimmel. Nobody is sure what his talent is, but he is here nonetheless. So what happens when the two get in a disagreement over whose tie is superior moments before taking the stage on Jimmy's show?

An epic tie fight that quickly takes a turn for the strange, that's what.

Kimmel starts things off by insulting Wong in the bathroom when he says "that tie makes you look like an assistant manager at RadioShack." Then the confrontation gets violent, as Wong and Kimmel trade punches and kicks, all the while adjusting the ties of their opponent. Eventually Wong resorts to what can only be described as black magic to teleport and tie a knot of pure evil.

"You wanna get weird, Wong?" Kimmel says. "Let's get weeeird." Kimmel then crafts a horrifying knot of his own -- the "infinity knot."

In true Wong fashion, this creates a rift in space time where the two men are transported to a strange universe where ties rule the Earth and use Freddie and Jimmy as a sacrifice to ward off an evil god. It's an entertaining video with some solid fight choreography. In fact, you might even call it educational -- is there a more fun way to learn the different styles of tie knots? Not likely. 

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