The Internet is full of fun, funny, touching, OMG, WTF, inspiring must-see videos. There are so many out there and I aim to bring you ones in which you say to yourself at the end of watching them "Thank you, I enjoyed that, no, in fact I needed that!"  vs. "I want that time of my life BAAAAAACK!".

Feel free to let me know if I fulfilled that for you in the comments below, leave links to videos that I missed and must watch NOW.

Enjoy this very first ICYMI, Interwebz!

1.Beyoncé - 7/11 Queen Bee is back in this latest video for 7/11 in which she spins every which way. The video is in YO FACE and adds a little Christmas to your life.

2. Key & Peele - Aerobics Meltdown  You've seen them go cray at the valet, bring on the President Obama anger translator and now they take you way back to what feels like competitive Jazzercise as things take a strange turn.

3. Alec Baldwin's Love Ride: Toby & Brian One of the funniest Youtube channels around is @Above Average and they've teamed up with actor Alec Baldwin, who has 5 movies coming out in 2015, to do their own Taxicab Confessions type show.

4. Lauren O'Brien's Impressions Of Celebs Stuck In Traffic Comedian @Lauren O'Brien makes everyone from Ellen DeGeneres to the Olsen Twins happen with her dead on, hilarious impressions while stuck in traffic. Finally a positive for traffic!

5. Proving The Illuminati Is Real Does the Illuminati exist? Will the Internet ever get tired of saying celebs such as Beyoncé & Jay-Z or Lady Gaga are part of this "elite group"? A funny take on the triangular eye-i group from @nigahiga

6. The Walking Dead & Ace Ventura Mashup We're always excited for an all-new episode of The Walking Dead, and this new @What's the Mashup? is giving us a quick LOL to get us pumped. The video is a fun mashup with Dumb and Dumber To's Jim Carrey in his breakout role. Alrighty then!

7. Wale & Seinfeld Talk Strip Clubs @Complex somehow managed to get Rapper Wale & Comedian Jerry Seinfeld to sit down and do a couple of segments together like their own version of 'Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee' including discussions on Hecklers, Celebrity and Other Fascinating Stuff. More Turkey & Wine?

8. Visiting Home Is Weird On Thanksgiving @CollegeHumor might prove that once you leave the nest for University of Dorm Room-ville, you might never be able to come home again ... not even for Thanksgiving!

9. She & Him - Stay Awhile  New Girl's Zooey Deschanel teamed up with M. Ward to form an indie music duo and here's their new catchy video. This gem proves that there's nothing that Zooey cannot do! Here's an early Happy New Year too!

Happy Weekend !

Which one was your favorite?

P.S. - We didn't forget about the "Grannies smoking weed for the first time!"

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