For those who watched The Flash last night, it is safe to say that we finally have an idea of who Dr. Wells might be. In the final moments of the episode, things became a little clear -- albeit still confusing -- since there are many unanswered questions.

The episode kicked off with Barry running alongside the Reverse Flash, and it was clear from that moment he was no match for this mysterious person who killed his mother. Believe us, The Flash did make every attempt to defeat the Reverse Flash but failed because the enemy was faster and more of a skilled combatant. And, of course, this is the case since the Reverse Flash has lived longer.

We finally got a chance to find out why the Reverse Flash came out in such a manner. Apparently, he's after something that is called Tachyons. From what we understand, it is a prototype technology that is designed to create the future.

The tech is also capable of allowing a speedster to go faster, which is one of the reasons the Reverse Flash wanted it. However, the other reason may have a lot to do with traversing back into his own timeline. We believe the villain was trapped in this timeline after killing Barry's mother and thus needed to return but may not be fast enough at this point to break the time barrier.

Now to the big question.

Who is Dr. Harrison Wells and what is it he wants? This is a tough question to answer, and despite the events of last night's episode, answers are still few and far between. Last night we saw Dr. Wells wearing one of the Flash Rings, using it to open this vault that leads to a yellow suit.

From what we can tell, it appears as if Wells transferred something to the suit. If that is the case, then he is actually making the suit more powerful. This means that Dr. Wells is indeed Professor Zoom because from the comics, Zoom doesn't have powers -- the suit does and as long as he wears it, he'll be able to run fast.

Another big question that needs an answer as soon as possible is whether or not Dr. Wells and the Reverse Flash are one and the same. Dr. Wells is a time traveler. So is the Reverse Flash.

The whole thing is confusing, but the light should come out of the darkness sooner rather than later.

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