The World Health Organization (WHO) is now suggesting a new diet trend that is affordable. The Nordic Diet has been publicly endorsed by WHO. It claims that this diet is best for people who want to eat clean but are on a tight budget.

What Is The Nordic Diet?

According to WHO, the Nordic Diet consists of fish, root vegetables, herbs, berries, and whole grains. The diet is based on produce from Scandinavia, a region that has better health than the United States and the United Kingdom combined. Nordics will only eat seasonal foods, which tends to be fresher and have fewer additives.

Most of the foods consumed in the Nordic diet are from Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

The diet allows people to get their calorie intake from vegetables and fish, meat, or eggs but in moderation. The diet, which has been around for quite a while, follows that Baltic Sea Pyramid.

The top nutritionists suggest that this diet is perfect for Americans who have lower income, as the foods needed are inexpensive.

Is It Better Than The Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean Diet is rich in olive oil, while the Nordic Diet consists mainly of canola and rapeseed oil, which are heavy in monounsaturated fats that are good for the heart. The diets are fairly similar, with both known to lower the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes due to the low-intake of sugar and salt.

The difference between the two diets is that the Nordic Diet is based on foods that grow better in colder climates, which means it's higher in certain vegetables such as kale, brussels sprouts, and cabbage.

Experts also state that seasonal products are more affordable fruits that are not in season. They also suggested frozen fruits, with nothing added to them, and canned fish, such as salmon and sardines, is best to eat while partaking in the Nordic Diet.

However, some experts caution that this new diet still needs more research done before they can be absolutely ceratin that the Nordic diet is better than others.

"What it really comes down to is eating a well-balanced diet, there is nothing magical about the Nordic diet. A well-balanced diet that includes plenty of whole grains, proteins including oily fish, essential fats and fruit and veg is definitely considered a healthy one," leading Harley Street nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert told The Independent.

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