League of Legends' old champ, Volibear, will be having its newest update that will surely excite tank and fighter users. Riot Games revealed the new appearance, abilities, lores, and skins on Saturday, May 9, for Volibear's rework.

The update revealed the developer's vision of a "lightning-fueled demigod of the Frejlord" for the spirit bear champion of League of Legends.

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(Photo : Screenshot from Twitter post of @JumaraloHexCore)
LOL's Volibear Gets A New Update In The Summoners Rift: Skills, Appearance And Playstyle Revealed!

Riot gave the players of the popular online game the first look at LOL's latest reworked champion by presenting a unique playstyle through a 30-minute live stream.

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The stream played the visual presentation in a unique way by alternating concept art with an animated background of snowy mountains every 30 seconds or so and gameplay clips. Excited for the new rework? Here are the things you need to know before summoning Volibear into the rift.

LOL's Volibear gets a new update in the summoners rift: Skills, appearance and playstyle revealed!

The report broke down the features shown on the latest big reveal of Riot on the updates of Volibear.

(Photo : Screenshot from Twitter post of @osevno)
LOL's Volibear Gets A New Update In The Summoners Rift: Skills, Appearance And Playstyle Revealed!

The current looks of Volibear already scare many ADR (attack-damage-range) users whenever they are seeing the giant tank bear running towards them ready to lift them up behind the lines of its team's assassins and mages.

Volibear's update gives him a new menacing profile and wilder looks. The splash art and in-game models revealed that his heavy silver armor was removed.

The pure white mane of the Thousand-Pierced Bear is partnered with a pair of dangling braids that are reminiscent of Ornn's shorter locks, making his mane more evident and detailed. Both of Volibear's arms, including his left eye, now have glowing symbols tattoed. Icicles also appear to be growing near his claws and on his back.

It's not just his looks that got an update. The skills which main-Volibear users have been waiting for also saw some changes. His passive, "The Relentless Storm", now releases an electric shock just like his last skill, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies with his basic attacks.

His passive to rapidly regenerate whenever his in low-health condition has been removed, but a new passive that can help Summoners be more aggressive in team fights has replaced it.

Volibears "Thundering Smash" retained its speed when approaching enemy champs, stunning his attacks instead of just rooting them shortly. However, Volibear can no longer fling opponents on his back.

"Frenzy", Volibear's second ability, was upgraded to "Frenzied Maul," allowing the champ to mark its enemies instead of gaining stacks from his basic attacks. When Voliebear re-casts this ability on the marked target, he will be healed and deal bonus damage.

His third skill was replaced by "Sky Splitter", allowing the champ to target an area that calls forth a bolt that will deal damage to the enemy champs within the targeted area slowing them; the new skill will also grant Volibear a shield inside the blast radius.

Instead of striking the enemy with a chain of bolts, his last skill called "Storm Bringer" will provide more crowd control in a team fight. Volibear will leap to a specific location damaging and slowing down the enemies beneath him. His "R" will also provide him bonus health and also disable turrets within the area affected.

His lore has been rebranded as the "Relentless Storm" from the previous "Thunder's Roar." The name came from his new lore revealing the champ as an all-powerful-demigod who formed vast lands, fjords, valleys, and rivers after defeating the magma-serpent, Rhond.

Ornn, his brother, and the demi-god of forge is also included in the story, including how Volibear blinded the Ice With Lissandra. All the skins of Volibear also have new splash art, including his legacy skin, Northern-Storm, and base skins.

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