Some of League of Legends' champs can be hard to deal with, especially those who can easily sneak in or deal with a lot of damage while also life-stealing. Among the Pentakill champions are Caitlyn-- a character who can deal a lot of damage with her ultra long-range rifle and traps; Aphelios with his overpowered guns; and Draven with his blade discs that keep on stacking, and Irelia, the main bully of top-lane.  

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However, a post on Reddit showed that these heroes could also sing in a synchronized performance. The video was posted by a Reddit user under the name of Miyooki. There are a total of 20 champs in the video, singing Breakbot's "Baby I'm Yours."

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The post went viral, which garnered 8,000 upvotes in just six hours, and received 400 comments. Some funny comments say that Draven is so cursed since he is just smiling while singing, while other users gave their advice, saying that it would be better if the splash arts were edited to look like they are looking directly at the viewers to capture their attention.

"Swain and Qiyana are singing this song like they wrote it, Teemo and Gragas heard the song once from a house party across the street," said a Reddit user.

"Fiora, Caitlyn and Nidalee are really good too," replied another.

League of Legends to release Psyops and Hextech skins

League of Legends patch 10.18 notes will release Hextech and Psyops skins and change some of the champion's skills. According to PCGames' previous report, there will be no patch 10.17 because Riot will be taking a week off starting on Aug. 10.

It was also confirmed that the patch 10.18 notes would be launched on Public Beta Server (PBE) for an extra week to balance things out. The new patch will release new skin called Psyops, which will be given to Vi, Sona, Shen, Master Yi, and Ezreal. The ADR (Attack Damage Range) Ezreal will also have a new prestige skin, making him one of the heroes with most skins.

There will also be some adjustments to Kayle and Lillia. The Mage hero Kayle be nerfed or weakened since her Q will no longer provide any mana refunds. However, her E will have increase attack projectile speed and will have no mana cost. On the other hand, the new champion, Lillia, will be buffed since the fawn's Q will deal 80% damage to minions, allowing her to farm more efficiently.

For more League of Legends update, always keep your tabs open here at TechTimes.

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Written by: Giuliano de Leon.

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