AT&T Rolling Out 19,000 Delta Air Lines with iPhone 12 to Use the Network's 5G: 'First 5G Global Airline'

AT&T Rolling Out 19,000 Delta Air Lines with iPhone 12 to Use the Network's 5G: 'First 5G Global Airline'
AT&T Rolling Out 19,000 Delta Air Lines with iPhone 12 to Use the Network's 5G: 'First 5G Global Airline' Screenshot From Pexels Official Website

AT&T has just recently announced that it will actually be equipping all 19,000 Delta Air Lines flight attendants with their own iPhone 12 devices in order for them to truly use AT&T's 5G network and improve the overall travel experience. The Delta flight attendants will reportedly also be able to use the network's augmented reality through the phone.

AT&T, Apple, and Delta Collaboration

Access to augmented reality can be very useful in order to assess the onboard inventory that the planes stock and even train some newer staff members when it comes to safety checks as well as passenger assistance. According to CNet, Delta will reportedly work alongside both AT&T and even Apple in order to develop better ways to use the iPhone 12, as said in a recent press release that happened on April 28.

Delta also notes that the deal actually makes it the very first 5G-equipped global airline. The partnership with Delta is expected to "create new 5G enabled experiences" specifically on the iPhone in order to fuel as well as invigorate the whole commercial airline industry. this is according to Rasesh Patel who is the current AT&T Business chief product as well as platform officer.

5G to the Skies

AT&T is expected to boost its very own 5G coverage some time later this year as the telecommunications company adds some recently acquired wireless spectrum to the entire network. AT&T also reportedly expects its new 5G network to be able to cover from 70 million to 75 million people reaching the end of 2022 and even more than a whopping 100 million people this coming 2023.

The company's overall 5G network currently covers over 14,000 cities and towns all across the United States. With the 5G competition getting steep as companies are now aiming to provide better services, AT&T is stepping up their game and going arial as a way to extend their reach to a whole new level.

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Elon Musk's SpaceX Starlink

One thing particularly threatening to the network connection industry is Elon Musk's plan to roll out Starlink in order for people even in remote areas to be able to access satellite internet connection. With SpaceX's Starlink internet, users will be getting a wider and more consistent reach despite them being in the air.

Starlink, however, still needs time to launch even more low-orbital satellites into space for the company to be able to cover a wide range and possibly the entire earth. Starlink also isn't just limited to the United States. The service has already reached some parts of the world like Ireland where the internet speeds were able to provide a decent 200 Mbps of network speed in general.

Starlink is still expanding as of the moment while telecommunications companies and internet providers are all still easing into the age of 5G.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Urian Buenconsejo

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