'Unnecessary Inventions' YouTube Channel's Inventions You Might Think are Necessary After All

YouTube is pretty much home to countless videos covering almost all sorts of subjects and topics. From entertainment and fashion to history and even physics, YouTube has it all.

It is no surprise then that people who have a knack for creating or inventing things have used YouTube to share videos that showcase their inventions. One of such YouTube channels is known as "Unnecessary Inventions."

It is also no surprise if, after a quick browse through the videos on the YouTube channel, you end up scratching in confusion because some of these seemingly unnecessary inventions might not seem so unnecessary after all.

'Unnecessary Inventions' Background

"Unnecessary Inventions" is a YouTube channel that focuses on - well, you guessed it - unnecessary inventions. The channel is run by YouTuber Matt Benedetto.

As of press time, "Unnecessary Inventions" has more than 590,000 subscribers and many of its videos have racked up millions in views.

YouTube is not the only platform "Unnecessary Inventions" can be found on. It also has Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Examples of the So-Called Unnecessary Inventions

You could kill a lot of time watching video after video found in the "Unnecessary Inventions" YouTube channel. Some may amaze you. Some may make you roll your eyes. Some may make you think that the invention is totally necessary after all. Here are some of those inventions:

The HookShot

You have probably had this experience before: you come home tired from the day you just had, wishing you could have a drink. Well, "Unnecessary Inventions'" The HookShot is something you would probably want to have. All you have to do is hang your coat or jacket and The HookShot will instantly pour you a drink.

The Letter Shredder

Ever hated getting junk mail simply because, well, what else do you do with them anyway? They just take up space on the counter or in your trash bin. "Unnecessary Inventions" has a solution to that with its Letter Shredder invention.

It is pretty much a mailbox that comes with its own shredder. All you have to do is take the letter out of the mailbox and insert it straight into the shredder.

The Password Keyboard

Are you the type to often make mistakes when entering a password for an account? The Password Keyboard invented by Matt Benedetto will help you key in your password more accurately.

The Slice Slapper

If you are one of those anti-pineapple-on-pizza people or you simply hate seeing olives or other vegetables on your pizza, "Unnecessary" Inventions has a fix for that. The Slice Slapper removes all unwanted toppings from a pizza.

Related Article: Pizza Vending Machine, Pizza-Making Robots, and Other Cool Pizza Inventions

The Standing Mouse

Using a mouse while working on your computer is easier said than done when you are standing. What Matt Benedetto did to solve that problem is to invent The Standing Mouse. That way, you don't have to bend down to use your mouse during those times you have to stand.

Can You Get Your Hands on These Unnecessary Inventions?

Catching yourself wanting one or two of the inventions you saw from watching a video or more on the "Unnecessary Inventions" YouTube channel? You can actually buy some of these inventions on the "Unnecessary Inventions" website!

Some of the inventions of Matt Benedetto that you can buy and own yourself include the following:

  • AirSticks - chopsticks that slide onto your pair of Apple AirPods

  • The BaguettePack - a backpack you can put a baguette in so you can bring and it eat it wherever you go

  • The Snackmingo - a neon-colored inflatable flamingo attached to a bag you can keep snacks in when you are swimming

Also Read: Useless Tech Which Are So Pointless, Yet They're Funny

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Written by Isabella James

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