Surviving the Indoor Toxicity with Plantee Revolutionary Indoor Greenhouse (Photo : Image from Plantee)

Working from home can take its toll on a person once there isn't enough green around the house or room. Studies show the positive effects of having "life" around as opposed to isolation. The benefits of having plants indoors are astounding, but the hassle of raising them can be a put-off for some people; hence Plantee comes into the picture.

It's rare for a company to meet its initial startup funding goal in just eight hours, and this is what Plantee accomplished. Within 8 hours, it met its initial goal of $25K USD in pledges. On day one, a backer decided to pledge their top rewards of 4 packs, thus hitting 200% of the company's goal in two days.

Aside from business, Plantee offers an array of options that can be grown with the smart greenhouse designed to grow both plants for food and plants for therapy.

What Can You Grow with Plantee?

  • Orchids
  • Bonsai
  • Roses
  • Sunflowers
  • Carnivorous plants
  • Baby carrots
  • Chili peppers
  • Microgreens
  • And more...

The list is somewhat endless as long as you have the right components to do so since the simple solution controls and maintains an optimal environment for the plants. Plantee's technology revolves around a unique approach.

What Does Plantee Control?

  • Light
  • Time cycling and intensity
  • Soil-moisture
  • Air temperature
  • Airflow
  • Watering
  • And more...

One thing that makes Plantee extremely efficient is that it is made of recyclable premium anodized aluminum as well as PMMA glass for long-term durability. The setup includes a built-in display that offers owners a step-by-step guide along with real-time data monitoring.

How Plantee Approaches the Problematic Indoor Greenhouse Problem

In the past, you had to be a green thumb to raise plants at home, but with today's technology like that from Plantee, the process of growing plants has been simplified. Even the co-founder and CEO of Plantee Innovations Ondra Zbytek confessed to not being a green thumb.

Zbytek shared experiences of frustration and not being able to grow plants right paired with the struggle of raising them and defeat. This is why as an electrical engineer and entrepreneur, something had to be done.

Zbytek needed to change the way the process of planting is for non-green thumbs and invent a solution that will allow plants at home never to struggle again. The solution, as noted, was Plantee.

The Smart Indoor Greenhouse Solution

The indoor greenhouse solution provides an interesting take on conventional gardening. With the advancement of today's technology, why not use it for good? With most people stuck at home most of the time, it wouldn't hurt to have a home garden or join the home gardening enthusiast trend that seeks to help provide a healthier and happier environment in the comforts of one's home.

As of the moment, Plantee is available on Kickstarter for those that want their own elegant, smart indoor greenhouse in the comforts of their own home. Instead of looking like a backyard madhouse, the Plantee smart indoor greenhouse makes everything look more sophisticated.

Plantee is available on Kickstart for a limited amount of time.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Urian B.

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