(Photo : Screenshot from Molekule Official Website)

Poor indoor air quality can pose serious long-term medical conditions to you and your family. The typical symptoms linked with it may appear mild initially, but the consequences might get severe in longer exposure.

However, by implementing practices to clean air and doing indoor air quality testing, you can mitigate this risk. Plus, with Molekule's portable air purifier Air Mini+, you can minimize air pollutants in your home and make it a safer and healthier environment for your family.

What Are the 5 Main Factors That Affect Indoor Air Quality?

Most individuals assume that their indoor air quality or IAQ is healthy enough. But the reality is that it may not be as safe as they imagine. The two most harmful gases that can pollute the air indoors are carbon monoxide and radon, although they are just the primary ones. There are other five significant factors to look out for that can affect IAQ.

The first and most prevalent is poor air ventilation. A poorly ventilated home can allow toxic air to circulate inside the house. This can accumulate dust, pollen, and other pollutants. All of which can cause severe health issues going from irritability and respiratory issues to cancers, diabetes, alzheimers, and more life-threatening diseases.

If you don't have the resources for indoor air quality monitoring or proper air ventilation, the very least you can do is clean up. Otherwise, dust will build up in every nook and cranny of your home. Worse, dust often contains dead skin cells, pollen, hair, mold, and environmental chemicals you wouldn't want to inhale or come in contact with.

Say you already cleaned up your house; now think about your pets. Your furry friends are indeed the best companions. But you also have to employ serious maintenance with their fur. If not, pet hairs would float around the house, cling to your furniture, indoor air conditioner and heater, and even on the food you eat. Pet dander or skin cells are what trigger allergies and sometimes asthma, so keeping your house and pet clean can help.

If you had recently finished a project in your home, you could have come into contact with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from new flooring, paint, or other housewares. VOCs are also in new clothing, furniture, and many other new products, so are unavoidable at times. But to keep everyone safe from VOCs, there are VOC-free products you can opt for.

Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the preceding factors are unavoidable, but humidity is not. Indoor humidity can originate from various sources, including water leakage, moisture trickling in through vents, or moisture absorbed from outside.

At some point, it will also play a role in the resurgence of mold and mildew. These can lead to shortness of breath, lung inflammation, allergies, and respiratory discomfort, if not managed.

How Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Health

Maintaining good IAQ is more than a 'wow' factor to make your house presentable. It's also a health measure to take.  Poor indoor air quality can seriously affect your health if not properly cared for. Some mild effects include eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.

With no indoor air quality testing, where you employ air quality sensors at home to determine the condition of your home's air quality, this situation is bound to persist and worsen. Then it may even lead to complicated health complications ranging from respiratory disorders, heart disease, and possibly cancer.

How Can I Improve the Air Quality in My House?

Ideally, some homeowners would start with indoor air quality testing before determining what circumstances may have contributed to their poor IAQ so they can work on it. Following testing, you may obtain an efficient indoor air cleaning product to assist you in maintaining a clean IAQ.

Fortunately for us, Molekule was formed in response to an urgent need to address the adverse effects of contaminated air, a hole in the purification market, and to employ science to combat indoor air pollution.

Its unique Photo Electrochemical Oxidation, or PECO technology, supported by science and 25+ years of R&D, destroys pollutants in the air we breathe. This is a completely innovative technique for indoor air cleansing that has been studied and verified by academic institutions, medical publications, and nationally renowned testing facilities around the United States.

PECO technology works by causing a chemical reaction when Molekule's nanocatalyst-coated filter gets triggered by light, breaking down hazardous pollutants to their most basic molecular components. Molekule air purifiers not only collect, but also destroy organic pollutants like mold spores, pollen, pet dander, VOCs, and particulate matter.

Their Molekule Air Mini+, which complements their outstanding portfolio of indoor air quality testing and cleaning solutions, matches their PECO-filter initiative. This portable air purifier gains a competitive edge among all products available on the market through its revolutionary sensor to measure airborne particulate matter levels and Auto Protect mode that automatically adjusts the purifier's fan speed for optimal air cleaning.

(Photo : Screenshot from Molekule Official Website)

Key Features

  • Auto Protect: The Air Mini+'s differentiating mode protects you against particles by automatically modifying fan speed dependent on its sensor.

  • Smart air control: You may select Auto Protect or one of five fan speeds and check the status of your PECO-Filter from the Molekule app, no matter where you are. The Apple HomeKit-enabled Air Mini+ can also be controlled via the Home app on your iPad or iPhone.

    (Photo : Screenshot from Molekule Official Website)
  • Portable: Air Mini+ provides for better mobility, so you can transport them to any room you like.

  • Efficient and quiet: Air Mini+ consumes less energy to maintain fresh air flow, and at 39 decibels, it is quieter than other indoor air quality monitoring and cleaning products on the market.

  • Convenient filter status and delivery: Air Mini+ monitors the state of your PECO-Filter and notifies you when it needs to be replaced. Every year, you will also receive new filters on time.

Admittedly, the Molekule Air Mini+ lives up to its manufacturer's commitment to producing a high-quality air purifier using technology and science. When combined with a PECO-Filter, you have a good chance of eliminating pollutants that lead to poor IAQ at home.


    • Easy to carry

    • Ozone-free

    • Quietly operates

    • Filters are auto-refilled

    • Comes with a 30-day home trial

    • Works with smart control apps

    • Multi-layer PECO-Filter with vegan leather handle

    • Energy efficient

    • App-enabled

    To summarize, the Molekule Air Mini+ and their air purifier lineup can cleanse stale air indoors and lower the risk of health problems caused by indoor pollution.

    Through science, technology, and care, this air purifier found a way to make you feel comfortable and healthy inside your home. So get yours now, or visit Molekule's official website for more air-quality indoor products!

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