Are you tired of apps forcing you to exit sessions simply to enter your Google credentials? Good news! Google is currently introducing a new feature to help you.

Google recently announced the launch of two new features that will deliver the best of Chrome to Android developers and consumers, TechCrunch reports. These features will assist developers in ensuring that users do not leave their current session when interacting with web content within an app.

Introducing Partial Custom Tabs

The first feature is Partial Custom Tabs. With this feature, Google now lets developers customize the height of the tab to give users a partial overlay so they can use both the native app and the web simultaneously. 

Image via Google

This new feature from Google gives users more control over how they use the app and makes it easier to access web content from within the app. A few browsers, like Chrome, currently support partial custom tabs, and more browsers are likely to do so soon.

The device will show the full-screen Custom Tab if the user's browser does not support Partial Custom Tabs.

Chrome Custom Tabs

The second feature is called Chrome Custom Tabs. This new feature from Google makes using the web fast, safe, and more accessible. Users will know that when they open web content from an app, it will be "running in Chrome" due to this feature.

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Google wants people to be able to use their favorite Chrome features, like autofill and saved passwords. This feature ensures that users have the same, familiar web experience, no matter what app they are using.

Why does this matter? Google says that launching a browser from an app makes users leave the app, which can make it more likely that they will abandon that session.

WebViews lets developers make their own in-app browsers, but this can be a complicated process with a lot of upkeep. Chrome Custom Tabs and Partial Custom Tabs are excellent ways to improve the web experience in an app while keeping users interested.

Seamless Web Experience

Most of the major browsers on Android already work with Chrome Custom Tabs and Partial Custom Tabs. These features give developers and users more control over the user experience and ensure that app web content is consistent and easy to use.

Developers can now use the best bits of Chrome in their apps to make them more exciting and valuable for users.

Google has released two new features designed to deliver the best of Chrome to Android developers and consumers. Partial Custom Tabs and Chrome Custom Tabs provide more control over the user experience while guaranteeing a consistent and seamless in-app experience with web content.

These new Chrome features offer an excellent solution for developers looking to improve the in-app web experience and retain user engagement.

Learn more about the latest changes from Google here.

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