OpenAI's wildly popular chatbot ChatGPT is more than just your go-to assistant for writing your homework. It can even become a relationship guru, a playmate, and your psychiatrist. (Although keep in mind that experts have warned users not to share too much information with our dear friend ChatGPT!).

If you have been using this AI tool for a while now or if you happen to have come across it lately due to a friend's referral, you might want to spice things up by trying these cool tricks on ChatGPT.

It is worth noting that ChatGPT is primarily used to assist with tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question answering, but there are many fun and "weird" tricks that you can also do with this popular tool.

Hence, here are 10 cool tricks that you can try: 

1. Play Tic Tac Toe

Can you outsmart an AI in a classic Tic Tac Toe game?

Just ask ChatGPT to play the game with you, and it will take turns placing Xs and O's on a 3x3 grid. The objective of the game is to get three of your symbols in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) before the other player does. It's a simple but fun game that you can play with ChatGPT whenever you feel like it. 

2. Your Horoscope Guru and Tarot Reader

If you are into astrology, ChatGPT can give you daily horoscopes for your zodiac sign. Just ask for your horoscope, and ChatGPT will generate a prediction based on your sign. 

But wait, there's more! You can also ChatGPT to be your tarot reader. While it may not be able to shuffle cards and perform divination in the traditional sense, it can still provide you readings by simply asking, "Can you do a tarot card reading for me?" or "What do the tarot cards have to say for me today?

3. Let ChatGPT Do the Cooking

ChatGPT may not be able to do your house cleaning but it can certainly take part in your cooking!

If you are looking for some unique and creative recipe ideas, ChatGPT can help. You can ask ChatGPT for cooking tips and recipe suggestions, and it will provide you with some fun and innovative ideas. 

4. Role Play with ChatGPT

With ChatGPT, you can engage in a variety of roleplaying scenarios, from pretending to be different characters in a fictional universe to acting out real-world scenarios. You can ask ChatGPT to play the role of a character or interact with it as if it were a real person. 

For example, if you are one of the many that hated the ending of Game of Thrones, ChatGPT can roleplay as Daenerys and you as Tyrion to change how the story miserably crashed and burned.

5. Ask For Relationship Advice

Are you still thinking of your toxic ex? Maybe an AI could help!

While ChatGPT may not have any real-life experience in relationships, it can still provide you with some fun advice. You can ask ChatGPT for tips on how to impress someone, what to do on a first date, and much more. 

6. Ask ChatGPT to Rap

ChatGPT can even generate rap lyrics for you! You can give it a topic or a set of keywords, and ChatGPT will generate a unique set of lyrics for a rap song. 

7. Shakespeare + AI

Oh, ChatGPT! Generate a poem for thee!

ChatGPT can generate personalized poems for you based on your input. You can give it a theme or a set of keywords, and ChatGPT will create a unique poem just for you.

It can write in various styles thanks to its large database.

8. Play Would You Rather

This is a game where players have to choose between two equally difficult choices. You can ask ChatGPT to play this game with you and see how it responds to different hypothetical scenarios. 

9. Let AI Do the Coding

ChatGPT can generate code snippets for programmers. However, it's important to note that ChatGPT's capabilities in this area are limited, and it may not be as accurate or efficient as dedicated coding tools or libraries.

You can ask ChatGPT to generate code snippets for a specific programming language or task, such as creating a basic website layout, implementing a sorting algorithm, or integrating a third-party API.

Read Also: ChatGPT Plays Wordle, but Apparently It Sucks-Why?

10. Create Memes

ChatGPT can help you create memes by giving you funny captions to put on top of images. Just give it an image and ask for a caption, and it will generate something witty and amusing.

Related Article: AutoGPT vs. ChatGPT: Differences, Uses, Other Details

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