The latest wave of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven smart toys is expected to enter the market during the upcoming Christmas season, exceeding the unsettling quality of earlier well-liked toys like Teddy Ruxpin and Furbys. 

These cutting-edge toys, which use AI ChatGPT technology, are anticipated to enthrall kids with their attractive characteristics. However, despite the enthusiasm, parents must be mindful of the privacy issues raised by these devices and take the required security measures to protect their kids.

The Future of Playtime

Think about a toy that participates in discussions and gains knowledge from them. Allan Wong, CEO of VTech, is betting on a line of AI teddy bears that will provide parents with an alternative to conventional nighttime routines, per KTAR News.

These AI-powered bears are outfitted with chatbot-style technology that allows them to create personalized stories, calm children having tantrums, amuse, and even teach important lessons. Parents want their kids to have genuine relationships with these toys, enriching their playing experience.

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Wong noted the need to be careful about privacy, security, and the material taught to children. Certain features, such as AI accessing children's information, might be disconcerting. He also emphasized that generative AI still needs to be developed enough for applications in toys, but he said that VTech would keep an eye on potential prospects in the future.

Risks of AI-Powered Smart Toys

Although AI ChatGPT-powered smart toys are intriguing, the same privacy issues raised about adult smart devices also apply to these new kiddie gadgets.

According to a Business Insider story, these sophisticated toys may create personalized stories based on individual tastes and even save private information like school information and buddy names. Consequently, concerns regarding the possible uses of this information, particularly potential marketing uses, are raised by data collection, storage, and likely sharing with third-party organizations.

Tech experts, including Elon Musk, and governments all across the globe are beginning to contemplate proactive regulation as AI technology develops quickly. United States Vice President Kamala Harris recently met with Google, OpenAI, and Microsoft CEOs to discuss cybersecurity.

Geoffrey Hinton, the Father of AI, recently resigned from Google early this year, lamenting his work. In a BBC interview, he remarked that there are  "quite scary" risks associated with AI chatbots.

He said that though AI is not more intelligent than humans as of now, it may become soon.

Though companies are compelled to ensure product safety, parents must also be vigilant about risks and protect their families.

Here are some tips for parents to enhance safety and privacy in AI ChatGPT smart toys, per USA Today:

  • Turn off any live video and text chat features.
  • Make use of the toys' parental settings to restrict playtime and keep an eye on things.
  • Read the privacy statement and understand how your data will be used.
  • Make sure that the toy can be reset to erase data. 

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