Crying blood instead of the usual tears is considered a rare condition, and it was recently discovered by scientists that this was something that the infamous Vlad the Impaler suffered from during his lifetime in the 15th century. Vlad the Impaler is a name that many know of, especially as being the tyrannical ruler of Wallachia and being the inspiration for Bram Stroker's Dracula from 1897. 

However, his personal life and conditions are highly based on legends, with the recent discovery of scientists confirming a condition he manifested when he was still alive.

Vlad the Impaler Was Crying Bloody Tears

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In a recent paper published in the journal, Analytical Chemistry, researchers have found a way to decipher Vlad the Impaler's writings in letters, revealing more about his medical conditions during his heinous rule. The voivode of Wallachia was said to be suffering from haemolacria, a condition where he cries blood instead of regular watery tears.

Through a process called proteomic analysis, a cutting-edge process now applied by scientists, the researchers were able to learn more about Vlad the Impaler and his conditions, which also included several respiratory problems. 

Here, the researchers were able to get ahold of the prince's three surviving letters, detailing more of what he suffered from during his lifetime. 

While it was not revealed what is the source of haemolacria, it was detailed in these letters that he suffered from this condition along with many others. 

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Vlad the Impaler's Rare Conditions 

Other respiratory problems were discovered through the letters, but his haemolacria was the one that lined up with several accounts describing the young prince during his tyrannical rule. 

Still, it is unknown what caused Vlad the Impaler's haemolacria, but it is known that he was constantly at war during his on-and-off reign, and this condition may be caused by injuries, trauma, or tumors. 

Who is Vlad the Impaler

Despite the many fictional depictions of Vlad the Impaler being the original vampire, he is a real person that lived in the 15th century and lived in present-day southern Romania as its ruler. A more heartwarming fact about his previous reign was his old castle that still sits today, now a museum that attracts tourists, which previously offered COVID-19 shots for visitors in the European country. 

However, his previous reign is not exactly that heartwarming for citizens and enemies alike, as he kept the heads of his enemies as mementos impaled on sticks, serving as a reminder of his nefarious rule. 

Vlad Dracula is his real name which translates to "son of the Dragon," based on his father's name Vlad Dracul (the dragon), and this served as the titular character's namesake in the famed novel from Stroker which has since been adopted to films and the pop culture. 

Much can be said about Vlad the Impaler, a.k.a. the voivode of Wallachia, but only a few knew of his humanity and conditions that make him one of us. In this recent study, amidst the atrocities and crimes, the Romanian ruler suffered from haemolacria, alongside other conditions which he went through during his lifetime.

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