(Photo : Dmitrii Khasanov)

AI has become an integral part of the professional lives of millions across the globe, particularly in the IT and digital marketing industries. According to IBM, marketing specialists rank among the top 5 professions that use AI the most. MailСhimp's survey reveals that in 2023, a staggering 88% of marketers believe their organizations need to ramp up their automation and AI utilization to meet customer expectations and maintain a competitive edge. Yet, the same survey highlights that 50% of these marketers feel that inadequate AI adoption is a barrier to achieving their objectives.

Dmitrii Khasanov, Melandia Agency founder and a renowned digital marketing expert, delves deeper into this paradox. He posits that while AI offers great potential, the real challenge lies not in the technology itself, but in those who wield its power.

Dmitrii, can you walk us through the inception of Melandia Agency and what inspired you to establish it?

I founded Melandia Agency recognizing the immense potential of authentic storytelling in digital marketing. While many focused on just numbers, I saw an opportunity to combine genuine narratives with the evolving power of technology, especially AI. Witnessing many marketers falter in crises underscored the need for a more robust approach. I aimed to build an international team, each offering unique insights, ensuring our strategies were both heartfelt and innovative. This is how Melandia was born.

Could you share a particular case where AI transformed a traditional digital marketing campaign?

During my early explorations into AI's potential in digital marketing, I decided to experiment on one of Melandia Agency's own campaigns. Historically, we had used conventional analytics to shape our online outreach. I introduced AI-driven sentiment analysis tools to dissect the feedback from our content. Instead of just looking at metrics like clicks or views, we started understanding the 'why' behind user interactions. AI highlighted nuances we had previously overlooked. By adjusting our content based on AI's insights, we witnessed a surge in positive engagement. It was a game-changer, underscoring that AI isn't just about automation but depth and understanding. 

What challenges have you faced when implementing AI-driven strategies?

Initially, our primary challenge was client apprehension. A few years back, many were wary of AI, fearing it might dilute their campaigns' authenticity. We invested time in demystifying AI, emphasizing its role as an enhancer, not a replacer, of human creativity. Today, while skepticism has largely transformed into enthusiasm, we face a different challenge. Many now possess powerful AI tools, but not everyone knows how to harness them effectively. That's why I strongly believe that the real threat in digital marketing is not AI, it is those who use it.

So, why is it about people but not the technologies?

Using AI without a clear understanding is like handing the keys of a high-performance sports car to someone who's only ever ridden a bicycle. AI, in essence, is a tool - neutral and powerful, but devoid of intent. It operates based on the instructions it receives. The real potency, or peril, emerges from how it's wielded. When misused or without understanding, AI can amplify errors, spread misinformation, or even unintentionally alienate audiences. The real threat in digital marketing isn't the technology of AI itself but the hands that guide it. Incompetent or malicious use can compromise a brand's reputation or miss opportunities.

How can companies overcome these problems? 

To navigate these challenges, companies should prioritize team education and, when needed, outsource to professionals. 

What steps is Melandia Agency taking to ensure that it remains at the top of digital marketing?

At Melandia Agency, our mantra is proactive evolution. We continuously learn, keeping abreast of the latest trends and innovations. Each campaign becomes a test bed, allowing us to refine our strategies. Post-campaign, we meticulously analyze outcomes, gleaning insights for future endeavors. In essence, we never stop; always iterating, always improving, ensuring we remain at the forefront of digital marketing.

Dimitri, give some advice to those companies that are just starting to implement AI in their business processes.

Starting with AI can seem daunting, but it's crucial to remember that every great innovation comes with its learning curve. Firstly, don't fear mistakes. They are the stepping stones to mastering any new technology. Instead of shying away from challenges, face them head-on, learn, iterate, and improve. Secondly, it's always a wise decision to turn to professionals. Their expertise can guide you through the initial hurdles, ensuring you leverage AI in the most effective way. Lastly, while it's tempting to dive headfirst into AI, avoid using it rashly. It's not about how quickly you can integrate it, but how effectively you can make it work for your specific needs. Embrace AI, but do so thoughtfully and strategically.

Dmitrii Khasanov, the founder of Melandia Agency, is a prominent figure in the digital marketing community, exhibiting a solid grasp of obtaining success in the field. As the owner of Melandia Agency, he leads a team of international design thinkers and makers spanning the UK, North America, Australia, Europe, and UAE.

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