Microsoft confirms that Windows 10 will be released at the latter part of the year. The company has also assured consumers that the new OS will support the newly released Raspberry Pi 2. Consumers can have the OS for free through the Windows Developer Program for IoT.

When the low cost computer from the Raspberry Pi Foundation was first released in 2012, it became an instant hit. This time, it is releasing the same credit card-sized PC which features a more powerful processor and a RAM that is twice the size of the original version. Dubbed as Raspberry Pi 2, the new microcomputer has a pocket-friendly price of $35.

"Last year we took an important step in embracing the Maker movement by creating the Windows Developer Program for IoT and delivering Windows for the Intel Galileo board," wrote Kevin Dallas, General Manager of the Windows IoT Group in a blog post.

The $35 pricing of the new Raspberry Pi 2 along with the free Windows 10 copy of Microsoft would allow consumers to have a full PC without having to worry about any budget constraints. Moreover, the board's new ARMv7, which performs six times better than the former Model B+, will make it all more appealing with tinkerers who are keen on building their own home automation tools.

"Raspberry Pi has quickly become one of the Maker community's favorite platforms because their highly-capable, low-cost boards and compute modules enable developers to bring their vision to life," added Dallas.

Microsoft will roll out more information on how Windows 10 will work with the Raspberry Pi 2 in the coming months. It is highly likely that the Windows 10 version will solely run apps that are modern and universal which will equally match the ARM-based processor of the Raspberry Pi 2.

Currently, the company is having a public series of previews on Windows 10 and encourages consumers to send their feedback. It is believed that the new OS will run on various machines and devices such as 8-inch tablets, smartphones, PCs and Xbox One. Apart from the universal apps and a fresh new browser, Windows 10 will also feature the return of the Start Menu. Shipment is expected to begin later this year.

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