For those that don't know, Werner Herzog is arguably one of the best filmmakers of our time. His documentary work alone is nearly unrivaled, and his style is one of the most unique in the entire industry. He's won countless awards from around the world, and the same goes for the number of festivals that Herzog has dominated. In short, he's one of the best.

He's also what some may call 'unbalanced.' Herzog's movies have been subject to numerous controversies, both in their content and how they were made. He also appears to be one of the most joyless people on the planet, stating that "Happiness is a strange notion," and "Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness."

Going by those quotes alone, most would assume that Herzog trying to be motivational would be an utter disaster. That's probably true, but that doesn't make these Herzog-inspired motivational posters any less perfect:

They're so bleak, and so depressing - and yet, the images of beaches at sunset and smiling puppies counteracts Herzog's depressing nature in the best way. It's like a really sad kid at a birthday party - everything about it looks great, except for the person at the center of it.

Is Herzog someone that you'd want to listen to if you were feeling depressed? No - in fact, he's probably the worst person to listen to in that situation. He's probably not that great a person to talk to even if you're in a great mood. However, when his quotes and sayings are attached to pictures of a baby chick or a flower, it all feels right.

Then again, these may not be the best posters to hang on your wall...

Thanks to Werner Herzog Inspirationals for putting these masterpieces together.

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