There is no other day that strikes so much fear and transforms many into the most cautious individuals on the planet. No other day that sends chills down everyone's spine and has garnered many film and book ideas that have become cult classics

The infamous Friday the 13th has been ingrained into our minds as a day of misfortune. But do you really know why it became such a notoriously unlucky day?


Though the origin of this superstition is unclear, some studies show that the superstition with the number 13 can be traced back to 1700 BC. While indication of Friday the 13th being an unlucky day had been reported since before the 19th century.

Historians have suggested that this myth might have been taken from two different backgrounds - the wickedness attached to the number 13 and the unfortunate events that happen to coincidentally fall on a Friday.

It is said that the Nordic god of mischief, Loki came uninvited to a dinner party set for 12 and killed Balder the beautiful - the god of joy and gladness -- setting upon sadness and darkness in the world. This is where the superstition of having 13 dinner guests is considered unlucky. 

It is also said that Judas was the thirteenth member of the Passover dinner. He is also the one who betrayed Jesus in the Bible, solidifying the myth that thirteen dinner guests bring bad luck. The crucifixion happening on a Friday explains how the unfortunate connotation has been attached to the day Friday. 

In numerology, thirteen is considered less desirable for it connotes incompleteness. Unlike the number 12 which brings a sense of perfection - 12 disciples, 12 Olympian gods, and 12 animals in the Chinese horoscopes, to name a few.

Taking all the above into account, we now have a little more understanding of where this myth came about. But most of the superstitions that circulate to this day can range from illogical to absurd. 

Here are just some of the wacky superstitions that some people believe:

1. Passing a funeral procession on Friday the 13th will result to your death the next day.

2. Shoes left upside-down predict a death in the family.

3. Business owners are advised not to start on this day lest they encounter misfortunes. 

4. A majority believes in this particular superstition - not to travel on Friday the 13th to avoid any disaster. Causing many businesses and airlines to loss revenue on this day.

5. Walking under a ladder brings bad luck.

6. Never open an umbrella inside the house, bad luck will "rain" on you.

7. Gregory Johnson included a thirteenth floor in the designs for the Empire State Building. Three days after its completion, a Friday, the weight of the building caused it to collapse and compressed the thirteenth floor. It has been structurally sound ever since.

8. Standing on top of a skyscraper while burning all your socks with holes in them will help get rid bad luck on Friday the 13th.

9. Coming across a black cat brings bad luck.

10. Bad luck comes in three's.

11. Crows bring bad luck - six crows means death, five means sickness but two brings luck, which makes this a little confusing.

12. Itchy left palm means you will lose money but itchy right palm means you will gain money.

13. Sweeping a new house with a new broom brings bad luck in. To prevent this from happening, one must sweep something in first before sweeping out. 

Although there is always a possibility that unfortunate things will happen to you on this day, the real tragedy would be to live your life dictated by these unfounded superstitions and become paralyzed with fear, unable to live and experience real life.

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