The Flash kicks off again this Tuesday with many unanswered questions as to what Harrison Wells is after, and why Barry Allen is at the center of everything. We made some broad speculations a while back, and it appears we were correct in our assumptions.

During the show's PaleyFest panel a few days ago, it was revealed that Harrison Wells is just a man who wants to go home. This disclosure makes it clear that Wells is from the future — and chances are, he is the one who killed Barry Allen's mother and managed to get him trapped in the past.

Things might however not be that simple. Time and again, we've thought one thing was going to happen, only for it to turn into something entirely different. We suspect the writers are preparing to give us the shock of our lives, and we can't wait for it.

Executive producer of The Flash Andrew Kreisberg made it clear at the panel that time travel will play a huge role, and should Barry go down this path, he will face consequences.

"We're definitely talking about the ramifications of time travel," said Kreisberg. "There are episodes coming up where there is concern of certain events being changed in the past [that] would affect who people are and their relationships with each other. If the past changes, does the present change as well?"

At the panel, Eddie Thawne was shown in a reel shooting two of his fellow police officers in the back at point-blank range. This is quite shocking, because the writers gave us no reason why Eddie would suddenly become a killer.

From what we have seen of Thawne, he's a good guy who is slowly taking a liking to The Flash. The only reason things could change so dramatically for the character is if Barry Allen were to have gone into the past and changed something. Maybe this is the reason Thawne becomes one of the Reverse Flashes.

It was also revealed that fans will be granted elements of Wally West's origins when Season 2 of The Flash arrives later in the year. For those who are unaware — Wally West is the second most popular Flash after Barry Allen.

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