Ah, the Shamrock Shake - easily the best part of the entire McDonald's menu, and yet, it's only available for a few weeks out of the entire year. It's so good that even people who usually refuse to eat fast food will pick one up. Sure, it doesn't sound like much - it's basically a mint chocolate chip milkshake - but that doesn't matter. It's a Shamrock Shake, and it's probably the closest thing to perfection that mankind has ever created.

That being said, there's definitely a limit. It's a milkshake, and drinking more than one is usually too much. It's almost like drinking melted ice cream, and as awesome as that is, it's not something that most people could do more than once.

Of course, there's always someone willing to push themselves in the name of Internet popularity - this St. Patrick's Day, you can celebrate the great Irish holiday by watching someone drink seven large Shamrock Shakes at once.

Viewer beware: if you get queasy easily, this may not be the video for you.

If it were any other holiday, people would argue that such a display is wasteful and gluttonous - for St. Patrick's Day, people are simply jealous (seriously...check the comments).

Either way, downing seven large McDonald's shakes in one go isn't the healthiest thing in the world, especially considering that most people should only ingest about a quart of dairy per day (there's more than a gallon in the video). On top of that, the shakes total out to roughly 5,400 calories, or more than two days worth of food. Again, drinking so many shakes isn't going to be the best thing for your heart or your waistline.

Of course, Matt Stonie is a competitive eater, so it's probably not so bad. For everyone else: don't try this at home.

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