You've probably heard the phrase "break the Internet" before. It popped up a lot when images of Kim Kardashian from Paper magazine hit the web, but it's also been used to describe any kind of viral image or video that gets huge levels of attention on the web. Like that whole dress debacle or extremely cute animal pictures.

Cookie Monster doesn't get it. Why would anybody want to break the Internet? The Internet is a good thing, right? Well, that is debatable, but still. Breaking things isn't nice.

But that doesn't stop Cookie Monster from trying in this new video. He's going to break the Internet all by himself - if he can figure out what the term actually means. Check it out below.

Fun fact: smashing your computer doesn't break the Internet. Nor does flailing on your keyboard. That will just break your keyboard. Grumpy Cat probably knows how to break the Internet (she is one of the original Internet sensations, after all) but she isn't telling anybody. That would be nice. Grumpy Cat doesn't do nice.

Finally Cookie Monster decides to do what he does best - eat things. While eating your router will break YOUR Internet, it's not going to break anybody else's. Cookie Monster learns this the hard way. Maybe one day he will break the Internet "for real" with a viral video of his own. Only then will he truly understand the meaning of the term.

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