Like so many other cool things, the Jawbone UP24 fitness band used to be an iOS-only app-device combo. Now, Jawbone has finally added Android support to its popular fitness tracker.

Although it doesn't have a display, the UP24 is among the most functional and easy to use fitness trackers out there. Jawbone started off with a simple pedometer wearable, but later added on sleep tracking and other fitness monitors. UP24 is slim, comes in different colors and easily pairs with your smartphone via Bluetooth. Jawbone released UP24 in November of last year, but it has become very popular recently.

The simplicity of Jawbone holds great appeal for many customers who don't want to be bothered with all the complicated bells and whistles on other fitness trackers. Sometimes all you need are real time results, a pedometer, food monitoring and sleep tracking. The fitness wearable market is quickly getting flooded with new devices, so Jawbone had to move fast to keep its current customers and add new ones. Adding an Android app and support for the world's most popular OS was obviously the best next step for the company.

UP24 now can connect to any Android device with Bluetooth 4.0 and reportedly pairs quite easily, though some users have encountered difficulty.

Version 3.0 of the UP app, which is available for iOS and Android, is a lot nicer now, too. The app has an easy-to-use interface and provides you with real time updates on your fitness progress. The app takes note of your progress, analyzes it, categorizes it and offers personalized suggestions. For example, if you slept really badly last night on account of your crying baby, term paper, big meeting tomorrow etc., the UP app might suggest you go to sleep a bit earlier that night to restore your powers. The app is available in 12 different languages.

So far, Jawbone hasn't added the popular UP Coffee app, which tracks the user's caffeine intake for the day. UP Coffee is iOS-only at this point. However, since Jawbone did extend its main iOS app to Android users, it seems likely that UP Coffee will soon become available on the Google Play store, too.

The UP24 fitness band itself costs $149. It comes in two colors: Persimmon and Onyx. Jawbone says that it gets 7 days of battery life before you have to recharge it via USB.

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