Apple Watch mania has officially hit, and it's easy to feel left out of the hysteria if you weren't able to get one of these devices during its official launch day on Friday.

However, you shouldn't feel bad if you didn't pre-order yours in time or just don't have the moolah to shell out at least $349 for one right now. You can still impress your friends by showing them you scored a shiny, new Apple Watch without going through all of this trouble.

Sketchfab, an online platform to find and publish 3-D content, has created a cool tool that makes it look like you are one of the lucky few to snag an Apple Watch. All you have to do is head over to this link, enable the video to play and an image of an Apple Watch will pop up on your screen, along with the live video captured from your computer's webcam. As Mashable also points out, If you hold up your arm to align your wrist just right with the Apple Watch, it makes a kind of augemented-reality image that makes it look like you're the proud owner of a new Apple Watch, even if your reality is not quite as awesome.

You can even move the virtual Apple Watch around like any 3-D image to get a better fit. Unfortunately, this Apple Watch only comes in the basic black model, but you didn't really think you were fabulous enough to have a gold one like Beyonce, now did you?

Now all that's left to do is snap a screenshot and send your Apple Watch selfie to all of your friends so that you can remind them just how cool you are. The tricky part is of course going to be keeping up this charade when you see them face-to-face since you really don't have an Apple Watch and all. But who needs real friends when you have a fake Apple Watch on your arm anyway?

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