In most regards, Grand Theft Auto V is a very serious game. Granted, there are moments of levity strewn throughout, but for the most part, Grand Theft Auto V (and the series in general) tell very dark, mature stories about bad people doing bad things.

It's great, and one of the reasons that GTA sticks out from the crowd: this isn't a game that's afraid to push the boundaries — which has made for some of the best video game stories ever told.

That said, there are times in which fans might just want to sit back and laugh. The core GTA V story doesn't necessarily allow for laughs all that often on its own, but Rockstar's open-world simulators are usually at their funniest when things go off the rails.

It's one of the game's major selling points: the world reacts to you and your actions, and that can go horribly wrong... or it can lead to some of the funniest moments in gaming.

The game has its own amusing moments — but it can only get better when a 25-ton sea mammal is dropped onto a major highway.

As you may have guessed, such a feat is impossible in the vanilla version of GTA V. The "Native Trainer" mod by Alexander Blade lets PC players tap into the inner workings of the game: gamers can spawn all sorts of vehicles, give themselves cash and drop whales out of the sky.

If Grand Theft Auto IV's modding scene is anything to go by, this is only the tip of the iceberg: GTA V's predecessor was known for letting players drive pianos down the street, strap on Iron Man's armor and basically break the game. There's a good chance the same thing will happen once modders crack GTA V's code... and when that happens, you can expect videos that get a lot weirder than whales falling from the sky.

If you want to try out the mod for yourself, head on over to the project's official page.

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