The toilet hasn't really evolved all that much over the decades, and for the most part people haven't noticed. Sure, the modern toilet is a far cry from the chamber pots of medieval Europe, but for the most part, people have been using the same toilet for years.

Not that it really needs improvement: the toilet does its thing, and aside from some models using less water than others, the design is relatively standard.

Then again, who says there's no room for improvement? Sure, the toilet does its job well enough - people would have made changes had it needed them - but who's to say that the bathroom experience can't be better?

Well, after years of using the same simple design, one Tennessee inventor is finally upgrading the porcelain throne...but what's there to change?

The toilet works perfectly fine, and newer models are more efficient - what improvements could possibly be made?

Well, it could glow in the dark, of course!

Dave Reynolds is the mind behind the 'Potty Glow' system, which is essentially a glow-in-the-dark toilet seat. It may sound funny at first (because it is), but the logic behind the Potty Glow is actually pretty sound. As it stands, if you wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, you're stuck with either trying to navigate through total darkness or you have to turn the lights on and burn out your retinas. Instead of wasting an outlet and extra cash on night-lights, why not let your toilet double as one?

As Reynolds so eloquently put it: "One day you're going to go to the bathroom and you're going to think of me." And really, is there any higher measure of success?

Really, the only issue that could be a thorn in the Potty Glow's side is sustainability, and if Reynolds' estimate is accurate, that won't be a problem: each seat will supposedly last for upwards of 15 to 20 years. The seat might be a bit more expensive than the standard model, but it's not as if you'll be replacing it all that often.

So, if you ever wanted your toilet to glow like a rave party, you're in luck: the Potty Glow can be bought online from Reynold's official site.

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