Land Rover has developed a new technology that will allow drivers to literally get a better view of the terrain ahead which could translate to safer and more seamless driving.

The new experimental technology called "Transparent Bonnet" makes the front exterior of the car appear invisible from the driver's perspective. The technology works with the aid of cameras that are strategically placed in the car's grille so they can capture what's in front and underneath the wheels. The captured data are then displayed as live video footage on the windshield creating an impression that the driver can see through the car's hood.

Land Rover enumerated several uses and advantages of its new virtual imaging concept. The technology, for instance, will allow the driver to see what is underneath and in front of the car which means that obstacles that are otherwise hidden in cars that use conventional hoods can be easily seen. Drivers will also find the technology useful when climbing steep terrains or maneuvering in constrained space as it allows them to clearly see the positions of the wheels.

Director of research and technology for Jaguar Land Rover Wolfgang Epple said that the company is working on new technologies that will give the driver confidence to tackle any terrain.

 "As our vehicles become more capable and autonomous off-road, we will ensure the driver has the confidence to allow the car to continue to progress, over any terrain," Epple said in a company press release statement. "We are developing new technologies including the Transparent Bonnet to give drivers an augmented view of reality to help them tackle anything from the toughest off-road route to the tight confines of an urban car park."

The technology will be featured in the Land Rover's Discovery Vision Concept car at the New York International Motor Show which will run from April 16 to 27. You can head on to the motor show next week to see Land Rover's new technology in person but if you can't make it, you can watch this video that will give you a glimpse of how the Transparent Bonnet technology works:

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Tags: Land Rover Car