In case you're wondering how the remastered version of God of War III for the PlayStation 4 looks, at least compared to its previous PlayStation 3 version, you're in luck: we've got a side by side comparison of gameplay.

These two videos show both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 version of a specific battle in the game: Kratos vs. Hades.

As you can see, the battles are identical, but the most noticeable differences are in the quality of the graphics: the PlayStation 4 version of this battle has graphics that are sharper, crisper, and much clearer.

There's also probably a likelihood that screens on the game will load faster on the PlayStation 4, and one can imagine that gameplay will prove smoother, at least judging from the comparison of these two clips.

The remastered version brings a whopping 60fps to scenes and that will, obviously, make a huge difference in gameplay experience.

Take a look at a side-by-side comparison of the two fights below (PS3 on the left and PS4 is on the right):

YouTube Doubler

You'll also notice that the game's textures are a lot better, along with the lighting (the PlayStation 3 version seems a bit more shadowy and dark, making some things seem out of focus and unclear). The PlayStation 3 version also has some pixelation, which is completely gone in the PlayStation 4 version.

All in all, it seems that the remastered version of God of War III is definitely an upgrade, but the real test happens at cash registers: will gamers buy a copy of a game they played years ago just for updated graphics.

The remastered version also features a photo mode, which allows players to freeze their action, take a photo, use filters to enhance that photo and share that image with others.

If you're still looking to get your hands on the remastered PS4 version of God of War III, you can pre-order it now for its July 17 release date.

[Photo Credit: Sony]

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