As far as building computers go, the case is typically the most boring piece of hardware. Sure, there are plenty of models with lights and sleek designs, but they're just not all that interesting. Cases are incredibly important to building a computer - you need to make sure all of the different parts and pieces are going to fit - but few would ever say that they've gotten excited about a computer's chassis.

It would only take a unique manufacturer to get people hyped about a new case. Asus is set to do exactly that, thanks to a collaboration between the manufacturer and In Win - but what makes their new chassis so revolutionary? Cases already have lights, windows, neon-tinted cooling systems...what could Asus and In Win have possibly crammed into a case to make it cooler than any other metal box out there?

Well, it's not as if Asus and In Win have just crammed some more neon tubing into the E-ATX case. Instead, they've managed to turn a computer into a full-blown Transformer.

Let's be honest: that's pretty cool.

While it may look complicated at first, the E-ATX case doesn't require all that much to get it going: in fact, the whole thing opens up and retracts with the click of a button. Aside from just looking cool (which it does), the fact that the case lifts the computer's internal hardware up should make it a lot easier to swap out older parts for new components. Some may say that such a feature isn't really a necessity - most decent computer cases offer an easy way to get inside - but the E-ATX definitely wins when it comes to style points.

The best part is that this new Decepticon will be available for the average consumer: Engadget confirmed that Asus has plans to mass-produce the automated case, meaning that you too can have your very own Transformer sitting next to your desk. Unfortunately, there's no word on when Asus plans to start shipping these cases out, but you can take a closer look over at In Win's official site.

With any luck, it'll be content to sit there and browse the Internet instead of trying to take over mankind...

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