Back in 2009, Sony first announced plans for video game The Last Guardian. However, since then, we've heard very little about the game. Now, six years later, new rumors about the game have surfaced and The Guardian reports that its sources state that the game will finally get presented by Sony at this year's E3 presentation.

Of course, such rumors aren't new and gamers have wondered about the title since that first announcement, but it seems that The Guardian has some new insider information that could guarantee the reality of The Last Guardian.

In an article about its most anticipated games at this year's E3, The Guardian listed The Last Guardian with the following information:

"Yes, we know it has been in development hell since 2007, but we have it on very good authority that this will be the year that Team Ico finally presents its follow-up to much-loved classics Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Whether it'll bear any relation to the game last shown at E3 in 2009 is anyone's guess."

That certainly sounds promising for fans of Team Ico's titles, but there is one problem: The Last Guardian was initially planned for the PlayStation 3. Now, though, most studios are in development cycles for next-generation consoles, such as the PlayStation 4, so does that mean we're likely to learn about progress with the game for that console at E3?

Eurogamer seems to believe that this time, the rumors could prove true. They write that it would "make sense" for Sony to unveil The Last Guardian at this year's conference, particularly with Sony not having a lot of exclusives to offer this fall and winter on the PlayStation 4.

In 2011, Shuhei Yoshida, head of Sony Worldwide Studios, spoke to Eurogamer and talked about the game's delay.

"The team is still working on it very hard," he said to Eurogamer. "There are certain technical issues they've been working on. That's the period of time when the game, looking from the outside, doesn't seem to be making much progress. But internally there is a lot of work going into creating the title."

It seems as if the studio never stopped working on The Last Guardian, so the hopes from gamers and the industry is that it's finally close to completion. Fans cheered loudly in 2009 when the game was first announced, and it's likely that such an announcement for PlayStation 4 will receive even more fervor.

Obviously, the answer to this question must wait until next week, when Sony gives its annual E3 presentation.

Photo Credit: PlayStation Blog

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