Considering Lego's ridiculously successful video game franchise, it's almost surprising that we haven't seen something like Lego Dimensions already. After all, it makes perfect sense: Lego has all these franchises and properties under its belt across numerous different titles — why not bring them all into one giant game?

That's not to say everyone in Lego Dimensions is a returning character — there are plenty of new faces joining the likes of Batman and Gandalf. Perhaps the most exciting out of the already-announced newcomers is none other than the Doctor himself: for years now, the rebooted series has been one of the most popular shows on television. With a new season right around the corner, there's no better time to merge the worlds of Lego and Doctor Who.

And that can only mean one thing: for the first time ever, fans can watch as Batman teams up with the Doctor. It's not just one Doctor, either — all twelve different incarnations are set to be included in Lego Dimensions.

Not only will the Doctor himself make an appearance, but there are a ridiculous number of nods and references to BBC's long-running show. The Doctors themselves obviously take the spotlight, but watching the Lego Tardis flying around through space and time is adorable, and tiny Lego Cybermen make for some of the cutest cannon fodder you've ever seen.

That said, this is a Lego game — and that means there will be a ton of different playable characters. So, you'll be able to play as not only the most recent Doctor, but also the Cyberman and every single preceding Doctor. As if that wasn't quite enough, each Doctor has his own specialized Tardis — not even the official Doctor Who games paid that much attention to detail.

Of course, the Doctor isn't the only character joining Lego Dimensions. Characters based on everything from Jurassic World to Portal 2 are set to make their way into the game. At this point, it's basically the video game equivalent of spilling a dozen different Lego sets into a bucket and going to town!

Even better, fans won't have to wait much longer before they can get their hands on the game: Lego Dimensions is set to launch on September 27.

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