An adorable little puppy that looks like a teddy bear is rapidly growing to be an Internet sensation, stealing hearts across the world.

The four-month-old puppy pertains to the Shar-Pei breed and is so round and puffy that it looks just like a plush teddy bear. Its photos went viral and the Internet is having a field day with the pup, appropriately named Tonkey Bear.

With a heart-shaped nose, fluffy fur all around, light green eyes and a face that could melt even a petrified heart, this little puppy is already enjoying great Internet fame and is drawing in more fans as we speak.

Tonkey is on Instagram - Bearcoat Tonkey - and is always happy to make new friends, brightening their days and bringing smiles with a slew of photos, one more precious than the other.

In just eight weeks, Tonkey Bear has garnered more than 165,000 followers and that number is growing by the minute.

"8 weeks ago I created Tonkey her own Instagram account for the sole purpose of making friends myself," Christine Park, the proud owner/best friend of Tonkey Bear, reckons in a post on Bored Panda.

"The way it was supposed to go down: post photo of cute dog, cute dog attracts good-looking friends, good-looking friends want to hang out with me."

It looks like Park's plan is working better than she thought, as Tonkey is making a slew of new friends with little to no effort - being incredibly adorable is more than enough.

The puppy/ teddy bear that makes the whole world go "aww" has a big sister as well, which also appears in the photos. Named Maxi, the big sister is a rescue dog and adorable in her own right, posing next to Tonkey Bear.

The Internet may be full of valuable information, high end-technology that allows us to work and communicate online and store our important data in the cloud, but what would it be without such heart-melting photos of pets?

Check out Tonkey Bear's Instagram account if you want to see more adorable photos or become friends with one of the hottest and most handsome celebrities of the moment.

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