How is Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder planning on fleshing out the newly-created DC Extended Universe for all the longtime fans and upcoming fans to enjoy? Well, it seems Zack Snyder and his team are the ones who will play the Kevin Feige role.

As it stands, Justice League is the main story here, and all other films in the universe should connect directly with it. It means that, despite the standalone movies being their own thing, the story they tell will connect deeply with what Snyder plans to bring forth with the Justice League movies.

"What we are doing is ground up all the way. It is one giant story," said Zack Snyder in an interview with Empire Magazine. "The first thing we had was the Justice League concept. The other movies, in a way, have to support that. That is our Wonder Woman, our Aquaman."

Snyder says that he is giving other directors as much freedom to do as they prefer without feeling bogged down to a single idea. This means that David Ayer can direct Suicide Squad as if it was his own film, but on the other hand must still adhere to some of the rules set out by Snyder and Warner Bros.

DC producer Charles Roven even has a name for this type of structure, and it is called the Sandbox.

"We call it the sandbox. It has borders around it, but everybody gets to play in the sandbox. On Suicide Squad, David Ayer has a lot of specific control over his area of the sandbox."

So yes, there are limits to what directors can do, but the team is willing to make room for some of the things directors may want to implement. Thing is, if David Ayer is pushing the boundaries with Suicide Squad, it could only mean that fans could be in for a tasty treat, a movie that might blur the lines between PG13 and mature rating.

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