Man Videobombs MSNBC's GOP Debate Coverage With Joe Flacco Sign

During MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews' coverage of the GOP debate in Cleveland on Thursday night (August 6), a football fan decided to spark an entirely different and unrelated debate of his own, holding up a sign that asked: "Is Joe Flacco a ELITE quarterback?"

The video-bombing football fan instantly went viral for his statement at the unlikely venue, in which Republican hopefuls argued over several hot-topics concerning the United States. And the Baltimore Ravens, for whom Flacco plays quarterback for and even led to a Super Bowl victory in 2013, even decided to have a little fun with the incident via their own official Twitter account. Obviously, they stood up for their franchise QB.

Well, the Ravens clearly think their QB is elite. What does everyone else think about it? For what it's worth, ESPN ranked NFL quarterbacks in tiers just last month and Flacco didn't make the elite group, which consists of Green Bay's Aaron Rodgers, New England's Tom Brady, Indianapolis' Andrew Luck, Pittsburgh's Ben Roethlisberger, Denver's Peyton Manning and New Orleans' Drew Brees.

Flacco placed 10th on the list in the second tier behind San Diego's Philip Rivers, Seattle's Russell Wilson and Dallas' Tony Romo. Fair assessment?

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