In an IGN video interview with Pete Hines, the VP of Bethesda Softworks, it was revealed that the highly-anticipated Fallout 4 will feature an improved perks system that will allow players to plan out the customization of their characters in the game.

The new perks system will have players choose all the specials for a character at the beginning of a campaign. A new perk can then be selected for each time that the player achieves a new level.

According to Hines, the new perks system, in addition to the SPECIAL system, will allow for wider options on the characters that players can use and develop in Fallout 4. Each gamer's character progression will likely be different from that of other gamers, adding a massive amount of variety to the game.

In fact, Hines revealed that gamers that choose to maximize their strength to 10 points at the onset will be able to unlock a specific perk that not all gamers might have access to right away, already making their character different from most of the other characters in Fallout 4.

There are about 270 perks available in the game, but once each player levels up, the perks available to be chosen by the player is limited to a certain number. Players will then be able to see what perks come after certain perks, allowing gamers to plan out the development of their character.

Bethesda previously revealed that it will not be putting a cap on gamers, which means that if players are willing to play the game for as much time as needed, they would be able to acquire all the perks available to gamers in Fallout 4.

In Fallout 3, the maximum level that gamers can reach was level 30, making gamers think on what aspects of their character they want to focus development on. The number of perks that gamers can acquire balances out the fact that they could acquire all of them, as it will take a long time to do so, and along the way, each character will be progressing very differently from all other characters in Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 will be released for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on Nov. 10.

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