Video game developer Techland just announced that zombie survival adventure title Dying Light will get a massive new piece of DLC later this year.

Techland also revealed that the new expansion, "The Following," will take main character Kyle Crane to a massive new area that's as big as all the original maps from the full Dying Light game combined.

"The Following" puts Crane in a dangerous outback, where he doesn't have to just deal with zombies, but also a fanatical group who have a weird connection to the ongoing zombie apocalypse. Gameplay requires that Crane get close to the locals through various missions to inflitrate the group and find out their secrets.

This time, though, Crane gets an extra piece of equipment: a customizable dirt buggy that allows him to quickly cross the countryside and take out zombies by running them down or riddling them with bullet holes while whizzing past a horde.

Techland also released a new trailer showcasing "The Following."

"Gamescom 2015 was our first chance to let people play Dying Light: The Following, so I was a bit nervous," said game producer Tymon Smektała in a press statement. "But so many positive reactions really showed me we made the right decision to work on this expansion. With its new map and far-reaching gameplay additions, it feels like we've hit the sweet spot for what players are expecting from us."

Dying Light season pass holders get "The Following" for free, with the expansion costing $14.99 for everyone else. Techland will announce an official release date for the expansion soon.

Released in February, Dying Light shows the zombie apocalypse as it begins with the spread of a mysterious virus. What makes it different is that people who get infected can take a drug that keeps the virus from taking over their body, preventing them from going into full-on zombie mode. Gameplay happens in a fictional third-world city called Harran, a city almost completely under the control of zombies. Gameplay is a combination of survival and parkour — and sometimes, running away is the best option.

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