Game of Thrones will come to an end sooner rather than later, but the question is, how will it end? Will it end in a flurry of blood and death, or will George R.R. Martin take a different path?

Well, according to the writer himself, he will adopt a different path, one that is similar to that of The Lord of The Rings and how it ended. By now most folks have watched the film already and know that the ending was bittersweet.

That's the same type of ending Martin is looking to incorporate in Game of Thrones, but he is leaving it up to the fans to decide if he's successful or not.

"I mean, it's no secret that Tolkien has been a huge influence on me, and I love the way he ended Lord of the Rings," Martin explains. "It ends with victory, but it's a bittersweet victory. Frodo is never whole again, and he goes away to the Undying Lands, and the other people live their lives. And the scouring of the Shire-brilliant piece of work, which I didn't understand when I was 13 years old: 'Why is this here? The story's over?' But every time I read it I understand the brilliance of that segment more and more. All I can say is that's the kind of tone I will be aiming for. Whether I achieve it or not, that will be up to people like you and my readers to judge."

From what Martin is saying, it appears there might be some hope for Westeros after all. The land has been under increased pressure from folks willing to take over. The heroes have been dropping by the wayside one-by-one as if George R.R. Martin wants them all to fail.

But with what the man is saying about the ending, it seems fans will be both pleased and disappointed.

We're guessing the Mother of Dragons will gain victory but also fail to survive. No one will have control over the Iron Throne, and most magical creatures and those who practice the art will leave Westeros for good.

Sounds about right? Yes, we agree.

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