The Seventh Seal is an iconic film from legendary Swedish auteur Ingmar Bergman. The existential film raises a lot of questions about life and death that you will meditate on long after the final scene.

However, you know what this movie was seriously lacking? Some "Bork, bork, bork," that's what. Finally, one YouTube user has righted that wrong.

A Los Angeles-based filmmaker by the name of Jon Lefkovitz has created the best mashup of The Seventh Seal and The Muppets that for some strange reason no one has ever thought to make. The less-than-90-second clip is from the beginning of the film, where a man named Antonius Block (Max von Sydow) first meets Death (Bengt Ekerot) and then invites him to play a game of chess. However, instead of hearing some Swedish come out of Death's mouth when he speaks, we hear some Swedish Chef Swedish, which, as you probably know, is not the same thing.

With the Swedish Chef's voice subbed in, this very serious piece of cinema about the Crusades and the existence of God becomes quite the romp. Who knew Death had such a sense of humor?

Watch the full mashup below, and see if it changes your interpretation of Bergman's classic film.

Via: The A.V. Club

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