The Twitch Plays phenomenon strikes again, as the Internet just beat Dark Soul's toughest boss duo: Ornstein and Smough.

Twitch Plays involves hundreds or thousands of people who "play" a game in a collective effort, typing commands into the Twitch chat to control the game character.

If Dark Souls was not difficult enough, just imagine beating the game's bosses in such a mass effort, often poorly organized, when numerous people have different ideas or strategies or game styles. Nevertheless, the Internet just beat the nastiest bosses in Dark Souls, which is quite an impressive achievement.

In an uphill battle that took no less than 28 days, eight hours, seven minutes and 14 seconds, Twitch Plays managed what many believed to be impossible. In fact, it likely would have been impossible without a modified version of the game. When it first started Twitch Plays, Dark Souls was pretty much a fiasco, getting stuck at the first boss. Modifying the game involved forcing it to pause for a bit so the chat can input the proper action. Some saw this as cheating; others saw it as the only way to handle such a task—when numerous people play together, it can only be turn-based.

Either way, it was this modified version of Dark Souls that allowed Twitch Plays to actually make progress within the game and beat bosses, paving the way to today's impressive success.

Dragon slayer Ornstein and executioner Smough are the ultimate challenge of Dark Souls when it comes to boss duos since they are incredibly hard to beat. It's not often that Dark Souls has players fighting two bosses at once, and Ornstein and Smough are the cherry on top. The two nasty bosses complement each other in a manner that makes them hellishly difficult to defeat even when a player has full control of the character, let alone when thousands of people play together.

It wasn't easy, but the Internet finally managed to put together the proper combination of strategies and gameplay to succeed. With Ornstein and Smough now defeated, it seems that Twitch Plays will be able to finish Dark Souls after all, even with all odds against them. Until that happens, check out the video below to see the epic battle against the nastiest Dark Souls boss duo.

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