Destiny players are always looking for ways to get the most bang for their buck. Whether it is cheesing their way through bosses or standing in the same spot for hours shooting mindlessly into a cave, players always want the fastest, easiest route to new gear.

The game's latest and greatest expansion, The Taken King, released on Tuesday, and it should come as no surprise that somebody has already found the means to exploit new systems from the expansion to get more loot.

Normally, when players defeat a boss, the boss is guaranteed to drop some form of engram for players to take and decode at the Cryptarch. Most of the time, these randomly-dropped engrams are nothing special, but occasionally, these engrams can be rare or even exotic.

A new item available from Xur eliminates some of that randomness. Called "Three of Coins," this item is a new consumable with a stackable effect. For each Three of Coins used, the chance of an "Ultra" level enemy dropping an exotic engram greatly increases.

One player has found an easy way to farm these engrams by killing themselves with the final blow against the boss. Players have been doing this against Draksis on the "Scourge of Winter" mission on the lowest difficulty, but in theory, it should work no matter what boss you are fighting (as long as you can get close to them). Simply get the boss down to a sliver of health, run away and consume one of the Three of Coins. Next, you need to get within melee distance of the boss and deal the final blow with a rocket launcher. The splash damage should kill both you and the boss.

This allows you to respawn at the boss and rinse and repeat, with no need to run through the entire strike or mission again. The engrams dropped by the boss will still be on the ground for you to pick up, so simply go gather them and then battle the boss again. If you don't get an exotic right away, don't fret. Because the coin effect stacks, you should have exotics in just a few tries. You can do this as many times as you have a Three of Coins.

The only downside is you'll need a cooperative group or have to run this strike solo in order to strike the killing blow with the rocket. If you do this with a matchmade group, some players won't likely understand what you are trying to do (or simply won't care) and will want to eliminate the boss as fast as possible.

So, there you have it. Go out and farm some engrams before Bungie patches this out. They are likely working on a hot fix at this exact moment, so you best get a move on.

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