It's almost an accepted fact at this point that Marvel is not a fan of Fox's Marvel films. It seems at every turn Marvel has looked to take the Fantastic Four (and to a lesser extent the X-Men) out of the spotlight, not wanting to promote Fox's efforts.

Add this recent revelation to the long list of ways Marvel is looking to keep the Fantastic Four out of the public eye.

Marvel Heroes is a Diablo-style, free-to-play RPG developed by Gazillion in which players can choose from a number of different Marvel superheroes, level them up and battle the various villains of the Marvel universe. Gazillion CEO David Brevik and his wife frequently livestream their play sessions of Marvel Heroes, answering fan questions while they play.

During one recent livestream, the subject of various Marvel Heroes event tie-ins came up. Brevik talked about some of the upcoming events coming to the game, like a new chapter of "Secret Invasion" and a "Civil War" event to tie-in with the upcoming Captain America: Civil War. Then Brevik's wife (who goes by the Twitch name Jungle Queen) makes an interesting comment:

David Brevik: Not really that big of a surprise, that we would tie in with the Captain America movie.

Jungle Queen: Considering you tied in with every other movie. Even the one you weren't supposed to. Whoops!

David Brevik: We're still in the Penalty box for that

Jungle Queen: Fricking Marvel

David Brevik: Yeah, fricking Marvel.

Jungle Queen: Fricking Fox.

David Brevik: You think Marvel are here watching us?

Marvel Heroes recently ran a Fantastic Four promotion around the time of the new Fantastic Four film's release that included a sale on Fantastic Four characters and XP boosts for those same heroes. It looks like doing so landed the company in hot water with Marvel. It's just yet another example of how Marvel is looking to sever ties with the characters they don't have the film rights to. Let's hope the situation doesn't get this bad for Deadpool and the X-Men.

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