Gentrification has been a hot topic in cities across America for years, and now, it's getting what is sure to be the controversial and hilarious South Park treatment.

The upcoming episode of South Park titled "The City Part of Town" shows that the town of South Park has experienced some recent gentrification, which may price the lower-income residents out of town, as gentrification tends to do. Among those affected by the town's gentrification include some very familiar faces: Kenny McCormick's family.

Determined to escape this cycle of poverty, Kenny will get a job at City Wok in this upcoming episode of South Park. Sure, Kenny may only be nine years old, but has age stopped any of the four main South Park kids from doing anything during the course of 19 seasons of the show? I think not.

In a preview clip of "The City Part of Town" released Monday, we see Kenny's family receive the news that South Park has implemented a town rejuvenation project that could impact the ability of lower-income families to remain in the area. Kenny's dad, Stuart, is pretty perplexed at the insinuation that he's a "lower-income resident," which causes Stan Marsh's dad, Randy, to provide some pretty, let's just say, concrete evidence of the McCormicks' financial situation.

Check out the full preview of "The City Part of Town" below.

The new South Park episode "The City Part of Town" airs Wednesday, Sept. 30 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central.

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