Living underwater is probably something we've all dreamed about doing. Seriously, who doesn't want to be Aquaman? Or in this case, Fabien Cousteau. He's a man on a mission of spending 31 days living underwater, but how is he going to do this without gils or superpowers.

It's quite simple; just take advantage of technology, which is the next best thing. For the past three weeks, Cousteau has been living underwater in a fishbowl known as Aquarius. It is the only underwater lab in the world. Cousteau views it as something similar to the International Space Station.

"It's very much like an International Space Station mission. This is the Inner Space Station," he said.

For those who are unaware, Fabien is the grandson of underwater pioneer, Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The young Cousteau is trying to break the record set by grandfather by spending 31 days underwater, which is off the coast of Key Largo, Florida.

The lab is apparently the size of the school bus, and it is 50 feet deep underwater, and 3 miles off Key Largo. This means if anything should take a bad turn down there; Cousteau would be in a world of problems if a rescue team doesn't come along in time.

He's well set inside this school bus sized lab. We understand that there's a small kitchen, bunks to sleep, air conditioning and even Wi-Fi. Nothing is truly perfect without Wi-Fi, so it is clear the designers have thought a lot about this underwater lab.

"There are many snorers in the group, but we're so tired because we wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning and we go to sleep at 11 o'clock at night, that at 11 o'clock at night it takes about 30 seconds and we're all out," Cousteau said.

Cousteau plans to step outside of the underwater lab on July 2, which would mean he would have spent 31 days underwater, breaking his grandfather's record in the process.

Breaking the record by just a single day is not the only reason why Cousteau is down there. He and other scientists are doing extensive research. We are not quite sure what that is, but by the looks of things; it is safe to say everyone is just laid back using the Wi-Fi.

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