The force is in you or, well, about to get in you. Japanese retail store Village Vanguard recently released its new line of toys and they are figurines of various "Star Wars" characters ready to land on the edge of your cups.

You can have a storm trooper hanging on your cup to look at its contents and take credit for it, Yoda comfortably sitting and judging you for your choice of beverage, Darth Vader most likely taunting you for the weakness of the force in your drink, and other iconic "Star Wars" characters doing their thing as you quench your thirst. The figures are only available in Village Vanguard so, if you want one or all of them, you would have to have it shipped to you. Each of the figures costs 530円 or $4.43 and is 2.36 inches in height.

These little plastic figures were released at an opportune time as another "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" trailer was released on Oct. 19 with both an action-packed and dramatic sequence as Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, reveals that the stories about "The Dark Side" and "a Jedi" were all real. He is joined by Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia, in one scene and, of course, everyone's favorite Wookie, Chewbacca. While Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker did not seem to make an appearance, a new villain does as he talks to Darth Vader's helmet promising to accomplish what Vader started.

Disney and Lucas Film have also released official merchandise to promote the film, including a collaboration with Campbell's Soup Company for "Star Wars" themed soup cans and its humorous advertisement featuring gay dads. The Campbell's ad received criticism from One Million Moms while the Darth Vader and R2D2 showerheads received mixed reactions.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will arrive in cinemas on Dec. 18.

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