Not only does venture capitalist and Google Ventures' CEO Bill Maris think that cars will become obsolete in the very near future, but XPrize founder, hyperloop enthusiast, and multimillionaire entrepreneur Peter Diamandis is absolutely sure that we can predict a photo-like, detailed image of a potential face based on the genome of the aforementioned potential human. Not only that, but we have the technology to do it right now.

At the Wall Street Journal Live conference held in Laguna Beach, Calif., on Oct. 20, Maris and Diamandis chatted about the feasibility of the predictions about tech present in the Back to the Future trilogy (hence Maris' comments about cars, a response to the second BttF installment's flying cars). Fans are celebrating Oct. 21, 2015, as the 30th anniversary of the date Doc Brown and Marty McFly visit the future in a flying car.

From there, the visionaries discussed correlative innovations—and a segue involving Maris' reference to DNA decoding, and how he'd trade a flying car for it any day—which led to Diamandis' opinion on genome-related, hybridized biometrics.

"We can predict a photograph of your face based on your genome," Diamandis posited, following his statement with the assertion that we also have the capability of using a person's genome to foresee how aging will affect their facial features.

While Diamandis was quick to make this claim, he did not elaborate any further.

Check out Diamandis and Maris predicting the future in the video below, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal Live conference.


Via: Tech Crunch

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