At this point, it seems like half the reason the Internet was even created in the first place was to house the world's oddities. In fact, there's so much weird stuff put on display so constantly that a lot of people are now desensitized to it. Finding something that actually weirds someone out these days is getting tougher and tougher.

Then again, just because it's tough to find something unsettling doesn't mean it's impossible. Case in point: Sitting and Smiling is a network of websites dedicated to one man, sitting and smiling at the camera...

...non-stop, for hours at a time.

You just don't see that level of dedication anymore.

Whoever Benjamin Bennett is, he sure does love sitting and smiling. The video would be unnerving on its own, even after just a few minutes, but the fact that Bennett holds the pose for over four hours is mind-boggling. At first, it looks as if the image has been manipulated to look like he's staying still, but after a few moments, he moves ever so slightly - the video is real, and that four hour timestamp is accurate.

Really, the video is Bennett just sitting and smiling for hours on end. It'd be inspiring, were it not for the frozen, unflinching grin on the screen.

The strangest (and most impressive) part is that the video above is session #25: that's right, the rest of Bennett's YouTube channel is filled with similar videos. They're all just Bennett, sitting and smiling at the screen, and the videos are all roughly four hours long, too.

There are so many questions: why is Bennett making these videos? Do they serve a purpose? How can he sit like that for so long? Doesn't he get hungry? Does he have a job? Wouldn't his legs fall asleep after four hours like that?

There are so many questions, and as it stands, it doesn't look like they'll be answered anytime soon.

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